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Use of nets at TCC

Use of nets at TCC

Graeme Hallam11 Jun - 09:22
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Reminder about the safe use of the nets at TCC

Dear TCC member

The weather has improved enough since the last time I wrote to you back in April to report that we have had cricket! We have multiple senior, junior, male and female teams competing in their respective leagues and cups. Great to see the season well underway.

Can I ask that parents remind their budding cricketers of the guidelines around the use of nets at TCC. They have just been repaired, with the framework repaired and strengthened, a new door placed on the entrance and the netting repaired. We are finding that a number of our junior members are heading down to the nets, which is great to develop their game but a small few are hanging around in there on phones, eating and socialising. A cricket ball is a hard object which can cause serious injury. The nets are there for our players to improve their skills and work on their game. Please bear in mind that if any member is behaving in a way that is unsafe either to them or others they may be asked to leave the "nets/training area".

With that in mind we kindly ask all members using the facilities to:
Use the bins provided for litter. Eating and drinking is not permitted in the nets.
Respect the equipment. We have just installed three new sets of stumps, they should not be moved.
All cricket bags should be placed outside of the nets, players should "pad up" there so it is safe and they are not in the direct line of a batter hitting the ball towards the back of the nets.
No spikes are allowed to be worn in the artificial nets.
All Under 18 players MUST wear a helmet when using a hard ball to train.
Do not use the nets to sit on for a rest, this causes damage.
The artificial nets are for the sole purpose of cricket specific training, it is not a play area.
We would strongly advise for all mobile phone usage to take place outside of the practice/nets area for safety reasons.
Only TCC coaches are allowed to go into the equipment container.

Graeme Hallam
Director of Cricket

Further reading